Turnout Motors Index





Böhler WA1 controlled by ZIMO MX82V







The excellent experiences and recommendations of others were the deciding factor. On our layout the powered turnouts - other than in staging - are limited to two per station. Just enough to enable meets and passing in each station and the basic necessity for the CTC that is planned.


The items come with detailed instructions for a number of different DCC and analog systems - but ZIMO wasn’t among those. A search of the Internet produced some hits, but unfortunately not the correct ones. It was time for the trial and error routine. The second variation was the sought version.







Connection schematic





At times even good products can be improved. The plug as delivered is such an instance; bending the connector pins by 90º will improve the ease of connect and disconnect quite a bit.







Modified plug





To align the actuating rod of the machine with the throwbar - with the rod being above the throwbar - a 4mm spacer/mounting plate is used.







Spacer/mounting plate






Position of actuating rod and throw bar





The DCC power comes directly from the turnout rails, a two conductor cable connects to the decoder. Preprogrammed for assembly on the work bench.












The modification results in enough extra space to connect and disconnect the plug once the turnout motor is fixed in place.







Plugged in connector





Careful alignment and marking of the position







Mounting of the spacer plate





A simple “Link and Pin” arrangement connects the actuating rod with the throwbar.











Link and Pin







Reports on the reliability etc will follow










LGB 12010 Turnout Motors






In contrast to the Böhler drives these throw the turnout points in a very rapid manner. A very audible “Clack” and the points are realigned; precisely the reason why I decided to use them at both Samedan and Thusis: the audible confirmation of the action.  


That and the proven reliability of the drives — there must be many hundreds of thousands in operation around the globe. No further introduction necessary.


The throwbars of the scratchbuilt turnouts were easily adapted and using the ZIMO MX82(0)V decoders would allow both remote control (CTC) and local control via momentary centre-off toggle switches on a panel. Pretty well a KISS setup.








Mark 3 Handthrows






A KISS method to polarize handthrown turnouts.