Ground Level 6 Index







To determine the fix points — horizontal and vertical — of the track in Bergün required installing the TREX roadbed in the 180º curve between Bergün and Thusis. Cutting the strips was a quick job, adjusting and equalizing to the exact position took a lot longer. Easy does it to get it right and avoiding later surprises. 
















Next came all the roadbed at Bergün.











The realization that further adjustments were necessary dawned quickly.











But temporarily installing the templates for the turnouts at the North end of Bergün had priority.

















General view from the South end with the sidings at the planned engine shed.











North end with some of the installed cross-alignment strips.











Preparations for the adjustment of the curved turnout at the South approach after moving/straightening the adjacent siding.











Connecting Track 1 at the North end.











Template of the curved turnout adjusted for proper fit and installed.
















Crossover between Track 1 and Track 2 completes the TREX roadbed at Bergün.











”The only thing” remaining is building the actual turnouts for both Bergün and Thusis. Typical jobs during the Winter months.













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